Hot pancakes for a cold February

Stavinoha, Ouimet, Espree, Russell, Richardson
Dedication and love of community (and of making pancakes), has these Knights all-smiles on a cool Sunday morning at 6:30 am. From left are Jim Stavinoha, Jim Ouimet, John Espree, Jim Russell, and Jim Richardson.

[dropcaps] A [/dropcaps] nother pancake breakfast for our parish was served courtesy of the Duncanville Knights of Columbus. Approximately 100 breakfasts were served. The Knights who prepared, served and cleaned up were: Grand Knight Nick Kleinhaus, Jim Stavinoha, Jim Ouimet, John Espree, Jim Russell, Jim Richardson, Andy Goza, Jack Ramsden, Daniel Rosales, Sr. and Daniel Jr., Barry Barksdale, and Francisco Hernandez.


Andy Goza demonstrating his skill with a spatula.


Jim Ouimet makes pancakes when he’s not making phone calls to schedule the baseball concession stands.


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