Football Concession Running Steady


[dropcaps] O [/dropcaps] ur new football concession operation at Valley Ridge Park in Cedar Hill may have been off to a slow start due to weather delays and a slightly lower than expected team participation but it is now running steady. Come take a look at the new shiny stainless steel equipment we installed inside and out of the facility. Our council decided in previous meetings to invest in new equipment to outfit the concession stand properly for ease of operation and efficiency in service, and it is clear we have done just that. From the new double door upright freezer to the stainless steel food prep tables, two deep fryers with 50 gallon propane tanks, hot dog warmers and nacho cheese equipment this is a real professional operation folks, and one we can be very proud to call our own.

football-concessions-2016-32-of-48The large facility has been well designed to accommodate staff traffic moving around a divider wall, courtesy of Allen Reitmeier and Larry Balagna as a Knight Hands project, that effectively separates the food prep area from the service windows while maximizing the main room area. The rear storage room offers ample space for the additional refrigeration and freezer units and for storing all other non-perishable items. A set of double doors located at the back side of the building create easy access to and from the adjacent parking lot for quick loading and unloading of supplies. There are several fans that create a wonderful breeze through the building that serve to keep the place well ventilated and the staff cool.

football-concessions-2016-24-of-48Out in front of the facility two football fields are covered with a swarm of youngsters in colorful uniforms frantically running and passing the football around toward the end zones while their family members and friends watch and cheer their performance from the sidelines. Many of them working up a thirst from all the yelling and cheering no doubt, and after a couple of hours of football perhaps an appetite as well, we hope.

football-concessions-2016-35-of-48The excitement of the new operation has brought a steady flow of Knights along with their family members who are volunteering to help staff it, including Bill and Cindy Dover, Gerald and Antoinette Jacob with their lovely grand daughters Tatiana and ____?. Among the regular staff are Eric Conner, Ray Rivera, Jim Ouimet, James Smith, Jim Stavinoha, Grand Knight Jim Richardson, Jeff Miller, Pete Perta, and Andy Goza. Many other knights have helped as well.

The football season runs through the middle of November and takes place on Saturdays, there are two shifts you can volunteer for: 8 AM-Noon and Noon-4 PM. If you haven’t worked this concession stand yet come on out for a few hours the next Saturday you can spare and check it out, we think you will be pleasantly surprised.